Human history is replete with the examples of the great leaders who changed
the course of the history. Pakistan is no exception and has a rich history of the
leaders’ especially tribal elders who put in their heart and soul in the
establishment of the separate homeland. Making of the Pakistan State is an
emblem of the supreme devotion to the cause of the duty and self-sacrifice.
Entire political struggle for Pakistan had its foundation in the tribal leaders.
Tribal leaders of former NWFP are very prominent due to their unwavering
resolve and devotion to the cause. Sardar Abdur Rehman is one of the tribal
leaders who put in their heart and soul in the creation of Pakistan. He managed
to instil the will and wish in his tribe for the independent Pakistan. Despite
being an illiterate he managed to see through the dark clouds and knew the
future of his tribe and tribesman. He full heartedly supported all efforts in the
Pakistan Movement setting aside the fears of reappraisal by the British
authorities. He became one of the influential leaders in Galiyat region due to his
utter grit and determination to support Pakistan’s Movement. He was able to
achieve so much in short span of time ranging from social, cultural, religious,
educational and legal aspects due to his strategic foresight, unflinching resolve,
untiring efforts and charismatic personality. His political services for Pakistan
Movement will be remembered for long time